Oh, and please keep writing πŸ˜‰

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wow i really resonate with this concept of spite-driven goals and reacting to others' doubts that internalise as self-doubt and the need to validate oneself. here's to more clean fuel! my moment of reckoning was losing my dad, the person who shaped my relationship with achievement and inspired my workaholic tendencies. at the end of life it's not colleagues, press headlines and accolades around your death bed. its the people you loved and who loved you. i'm trying to lean into resources like the nap ministry to rewire my brains attitude towards rest and play. i want to ensure i have the right balance in my one short life! thanks for sharing ❀️

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Oh my lovely bo...i was on that same treadmill for so long--the year before i had your class my whole system tanked and i found myself sitting on the floor of new seasons on division, crying, and voraciouly reading a book "tried of being tired?" because no doctor could help me, i could barely get through a day, all the things of strive-exhaustion--and it took years to recover (largely because of all thr trauma that then ensued...but if i wouldn't have been such an "i'll do it/i can fix this/i have to prove/get it right" striver, i might not have taken on those situations that became traumatic πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ. I am so happy for you in this new approach. You are lovely and perfect. β€οΈπŸŒΊπŸ’„

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